LinkedIn has become widely popular amongst professionals and job seekers, however, did you know it can be used to grow your business? Since LinkedIn is a social network it allows you to build partnerships, make connections and increase awareness around your brand. There are 6 ways to market your business using this platform.

Here we explain how LinkedIn can benefit your business.

1.     Create your LinkedIn business profile

Although a large part of marketing now is online, people prefer to do business with people. Therefore, it is essential for yourself and each employee to create your own profiles. Profiles are where clients and potential employers base their impression of you and whether they want to do business with your company. Ideally you would want to have a profile at almost 100% completed with a range of skills and any achievements or awards to help you stand out from the crowd.


We then move to the Company Page which should offer your potential clients relevant content, company information and link in the employee’s profiles.



2.     Establish your Goals?

What are your company goals? To increase brand awareness? Generate leads? Before continuing establish what your end goal is and the result desired.

3.     Attract the right audience

To build up the right followers start with the company employees who are your main supporters and most likely to share your content within their own networks. The next step is to direct your efforts out with the company and invite current customers and partners. Finally, integrate LinkedIn’s “Follow” button into your website where your customers can instantly “Follow” you.

4.     Enrich your content

Like any other marketing campaign your target audience want content they find interesting and can engage with.  Research carefully the information you want to post and if it is relevant to your consumers interests. LinkedIn have stated that their members appreciate fresh, new ideas that other professionals can benefit from.

As LinkedIn is a vastly different social network compared to Facebook or Twitter it requires different content. Users invest time in the content they post, delving into debates, panel discussions or articles on new techniques which may benefit their clientele and fellow professionals. Whilst the content is important, so is the presentation. Visually, videos, images and SlideShare presentations are more likely to capture your audience than a mainly text based post.

5.     Benefit from LinkedIn Ads

Like most social networks there is an option to “Sponsor” popular posts to increase user engagement and audience reach. LinkedIn’s Sponsored Content allows you to direct your content to the right audience whilst being able to track the number of leads from your adverts.

6.     Analytics

Like most marketing campaigns you want to make sure your tactics are effective and are achieving the desired goals. LinkedIn allows you to monitor your Company Page Analytics and offers conversion tracking. You can track your campaigns progress on your LinkedIn analytics dashboard and make adjustments to suit your campaign.



By implementing these steps into the overall marketing for your business you can use LinkedIn to its full potential to benefit your business.